Progetto/Projects: Writing on Mav playing in Mav
Job/lavoro: Live Installation Manual Setting Software
Partner: Michele Pesce_welikethefish
Software used: L.A.S.E.R. Tag
“Writing On Mav”
MAV is a connector between history and experimentation, between archaeology and high technology; it is a creative museum within which knowledge joins research, and strengths ties up with ambition. In MAV the dialog between memories and new is put into concrete form, new is made without neither any unified codes nor manners, as ideas are what count.
The night of the “WRINTING ON MAV” event realizes an expressive literacy, a conversational encounter between individuals and new linguistic/artistic modalities.
Thanks to the "L.A.S.E.R Tag by Graffiti Research Lab.”, the museum is left to be smudged with light and to be virtually “written on” for a whole night. “WRITING ON MAV” is an open performance, improvised by the genius of those who dare; it is an unforeseeable operation created trough extemporaneous and one-time gestures.